Jazz Pianist & Composer

Photo by Irene Young

2025 Per­for­mances:

Sun­day, Jan­u­ary 5th, 5-6PM,“Jazz, She Wrote” at Jazz Church West, Danville, CA

Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 18th, 8:30–11:30PM: Laura Klein Trio at Bix, San Fran­cisco, CA

Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 31st, 8-10PM: Laura Klein Quar­tet at Pea­cock Lounge, San Fran­cisco, CA

Sat­ur­day, Feb. 15th, 5-8PM: Laura Klein Trio at Manny’s, Vallejo, CA

Fri­day, Feb. 21st, 6-8PM: With Noel Jewkes Trio at the Sea­horse, Sausal­ito, CA

Sat­ur­day, Feb­ru­ary 22nd, 7:30PM: With The Morches­tra at Paci­fica Per­for­mances, Paci­fica, CA

Sat­ur­day, March 8, 8:30–11:30PM: Laura Klein Trio at Bix, San Fran­cisco, CA

Sun­day, May 18th, 4PM: “Jazz, She Wrote” at Cal­liope, Albany, CA

2024 Per­for­mances:

Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 6th, 6-9PM Laura Klein Trio at the Hotel Healdsburg

Sat­ur­day, Feb­ru­ary 3rd, 5-8PM Laura Klein Trio at Manny’s Steak­house at the Wharf, Vallejo

Sat­ur­day, Feb­ru­ary 17th, 8:30–11:30PM Laura Klein Trio at Bix’s, San Francisco

Sun­day, March 3rd,  5 PM: Five­Play at Jazz Church West in Danville

Sat­ur­day, March 9th, 5-8PM: Laura Klein Trio at Manny’s Steak­house at the Wharf, Vallejo

Fri­day, March 15th, 5-8PM: With Bryan Girard Quar­tet at Manny’s Steak­house at the Wharf, Vallejo

Sat­ur­day, March 23rd, 11AM-2PM: TonaLaura Jazz Duo at Marin Coun­try Mart

Fri­day, March 29th,  8 PM: Morches­tra “Big Band Brazil­ian Blowout” fea­tur­ing Catia Machado , Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 6th, 6-9PM Laura Klein Trio at the Hotel Healdsburg

Sat­ur­day, April 13th, 8:30–11:30PM: Laura Klein trio at Bix’s, San Francisco

Sat­ur­day, May 11th, 6-9PM Laura Klein Trio at the Hotel Healdsburg

Sat­ur­day, May 18th, 5-8PM: Laura Klein Trio at Manny’s Steak­house at the Wharf, Vallejo

Sat­ur­day, June 8th, 8:30–11:30PM: Laura Klein trio at Bix’s, San Francisco

Sat­ur­day, June 22nd: Morches­tra “Big Band Brazil­ian Blowout” fea­tur­ing Catia Machado , John Hinkel Park, Berkeley

Sun­day, June 30th, 4-7PM: Laura Klein Trio at Manny’s Steak­house at the Wharf, Vallejo

Sun­day, July 14th, 4-7PM: Laura Klein Trio at Manny’s Steak­house at the Wharf, Vallejo

Sat­ur­day, August 17th, 8:30–11:30PM: Laura Klein trio at Bix’s, San Francisco

Thurs­day, August 22nd, 7-9PM: TonaLaura Jazz Duo at Uccello, San Francisco

Sat­ur­day, August 24th, 11AM-2PM: TonaLaura Jazz Duo at Marin Coun­try Mart

Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 8th,  Shows at 11AM and 1PM, TonaLaura Duo at Solano Stroll, Albany

Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 15th, 2-3PM, TonaLaura Duo at Flower Piano, San Francisco

Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 21st, 2-4PM “A Love Supreme-Saxophone Sum­mit”, com­mu­nity play along trib­ute to John Coltrane led by Erik Jek­ab­son, Golden Gate Park Band­shell in San Fran­cisco (con­cert begins at noon)

Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 5, 8:30–11:30PM Laura Klein Trio at Bix, San Francisco

Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 16, 6-9PM : With Bryan Girard Trio at Manny’s Steak­house at the Wharf, Vallejo

Sun­day, Novem­ber 17th, 2-4PM: “Jazz She Wrote”: Laura Klein Trio with spe­cial guest Mary Fet­tig at Liv­er­more Jazz Soci­ety (indoors/outdoors/livestream)

Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 23 8PM: The Morches­tra “Latin Side of Morches­tra” Ashke­naz, Berkeley

Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 30, 6-9PM Laura Klein Trio at the Hotel Healdsburg

To con­tact Laura Klein about future book­ings, get noti­fied when per­for­mances will resume, or order CDs, please email her.

Watch Laura Klein live in per­for­mance on YouTube.

Lis­ten to a four minute mon­tage of the Laura Klein trio, from KCSM-FM 91.1 “In the Moment” show





























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