
To con­tact Laura Klein about book­ings, obtain­ing CDs, or to get on an email list for future appear­ances, email her.

Video: View Laura Klein’s per­for­mances on YouTube.

CDs below are avail­able for pur­chase here.

Sum­mer Dusk: The Stu­dio Ses­sions (2020), was included in sev­eral “Best CDs of 2020″ lists. The record­ing fea­tures the incred­i­ble vocal­ist Clairdee on the title track, a quar­tet of top-notch Lon­don singers, an amaz­ing cho­rus of flutes, and more!
Five and More (2013), has gar­nered acclaim from review­ers, and got­ten wide air­play in the US and abroad. FivePlay’s third CD has spe­cial guests broad­en­ing the sonic palette, includ­ing a clar­inet quar­tet, Ted Wolff’s pas­sion­ate vibra­phone play­ing, a trom­bone sec­tion, and Frank Phipps’ lyri­cal bass trumpet.
Five Of HeartsFive of Hearts is the sec­ond CD (2011) by Five­Play Jazz Quin­tet, fea­tur­ing all orig­i­nal music by Laura Klein and guitarist/co-bandleader Tony Cor­man. This music is lis­ten­able, melodic, mod­ern jazz to nour­ish mind and heart. The tunes range from for­ays into samba, tango and gospel, to an Elling­ton­ian bal­lad and a wild Balkan ride!
Cerulean BlueCerulean Blue | The Laura Klein/Ted Wolff duo, released in 2009. Ini­tially inspired by the Gary Burton/Chick Corea col­lab­o­ra­tions, the duo has devel­oped an excit­ing, lyri­cal and highly inter­ac­tive style of their own. The gor­geous, unique sound of vibes and piano has been described as “ear candy” and this record­ing is rich with sonic beauty. There are orig­i­nals by Laura Klein and Ted Wolff, a hard dri­ving ren­di­tion of Kenny Barron’s “Voy­age”, a beau­ti­ful per­for­mance of J.J. Johnson’s “Lament”, a gospelly ver­sion of Wayne Shorter’s “Aung San Suu Kyi”, and more.
Five­Play | Sparkling jazz com­po­si­tions by Laura Klein, Tony Cor­man, and Dave Tid­ball, backed by the stel­lar rhythm sec­tion of drum­mer Alan Hall and bassist Paul Smith. The music is rooted in the best jazz tra­di­tions while draw­ing on mod­ern har­monies, rhythms, and tone col­ors, with lots of excit­ing inter­play among the musi­cians. To read more about the band, go to FivePlay’s web­site.
Tricer­atops | was a three-horned band that per­formed all orig­i­nal music by Laura Klein, Tony Cor­man, and Dave Tid­ball, with Dave Eshel­man (trom­bone), Dan Sea­mans (bass), and Alan Hall (drums.) “Backed by a cham­pion rhythm team — Laura Klein (piano), Alan Hall (drums) and Dan Sea­mans (bass), the three-horn front line plays ten better-than-Messenger-like orig­i­nals, pro­vid­ing cap­ti­vat­ing moments for lis­ten­ers.” — JazzTimes.
Day In, Day Out| This is Jenny Fer­ris’ sec­ond record­ing, fea­tur­ing fresh and var­ied treat­ments of lyri­cist Johnny Mercer’s most beloved mate­r­ial, with com­posers Harold Arlen, Hoagy Carmichael, Jerome Kern, and Henry Mancini. Jenny is accom­pa­nied on this CD by guitarist/arranger Tony Cor­man, Rich Lesnik on sax and flute, bassist Carol DeAr­ment, drum­mers Tom Has­sett and Bryan Bow­man, and Laura Klein on piano and con­tribut­ing some arrange­ments.


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