
I have had a pri­vate prac­tice in the Alexan­der Tech­nique in Berke­ley since receiv­ing my STAT and AmSAT Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion 1987, and am an Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor of the Alexan­der Tech­nique at the Cal­i­for­nia Jazz Conservatory.

I attended  the Cen­ter for the Alexan­der Tech­nique in Menlo Park, CA, with Ed and Linda Avak, who trained with Wal­ter Car­ring­ton in Lon­don, Eng­land. I trained teach­ers at the Bay Area Cen­ter for the Alexan­der Tech­nique, dur­ing its exis­tence from 2011 until 2008.

I am a pro­fes­sional pianist, and, after receiv­ing my BA in Music, was spend­ing many hours at the piano, play­ing and teach­ing. I dis­cov­ered the Alexan­der Tech­nique while look­ing for a way to elim­i­nate the severe back pain that I was expe­ri­enc­ing at that time. As I took lessons and gained under­stand­ing of my own use, I was intrigued by the changes in myself that were tak­ing place. Not only did my back pain grad­u­ally sub­side, but I found myself feel­ing more com­posed and con­fi­dent at the piano, and less affected by the annoy­ances and stresses of every­day life. I was so inspired by the power of this work that I decided to train to become an Alexan­der teacher.

I’ve taught the Alexan­der Tech­nique to teach­ers, sci­en­tists, soft­ware pro­fes­sion­als, writ­ers, retirees, librar­i­ans, dancers, den­tal hygien­ists, chefs, doc­tors, wait­ers, artists, and mas­sage ther­a­pists, among oth­ers. My stu­dents are of diverse ages, from middle-schoolers to seniors. They take lessons for vary­ing rea­sons, but all find the Alexan­der Tech­nique help­ful to them in many aspects of their lives. Here’s what they say about their lessons:

” Study­ing the Alexan­der Tech­nique has been really ben­e­fi­cial for me. I have learned many things that have helped make my life more reward­ing, pro­duc­tive and energy-efficient. Every one of my lessons has been so rich in use­ful ideas, tech­niques and nuggets of wis­dom that I am con­fi­dent that my rela­tion­ship with the Alexan­der Tech­nique will be an ongo­ing edu­ca­tion process with end­less rewards…I have learned innu­mer­able tools that have helped me lead a more enjoy­able, pain-free and effort­less life, while still being a very busy and active 21-year-old Berke­ley stu­dent..“
– Matt, col­lege student

About two years ago I began study­ing with Laura to help improve my singing voice and also to alle­vi­ate my chronic neck pain. I really enjoy the process, and espe­cially Laura’s teach­ing style, which is warm, focused and cre­ative. The Alexan­der Tech­nique has improved my pos­ture, my voice and best of all, I’ve noticed a marked decrease in my neck pain. Even though I’d had a lot of move­ment train­ing in the past, this work is com­pletely dif­fer­ent from any­thing I’d done before. The aware­ness of cor­rect body use per­me­ates many parts of my life, includ­ing my work as a com­mu­ni­ca­tions coach. I’m very grate­ful that Laura was rec­om­mended to me.“
– Carol Hazen­field, author of Act­ing on Impulse: The Art of Mak­ing Improv Theater

Through my lessons with Laura spe­cific prob­lems with my neck, shoul­ders and back have improved beyond what my for­mer chi­ro­prac­tor could achieve. My move­ments are more fluid both in daily activ­i­ties and in my tai chi class. Laura has taught me valu­able skills in self-observation, which para­dox­i­cally bring frus­tra­tion at times, but also bet­ter coor­di­na­tion and cir­cu­la­tion in eas­ing up on myself.“
– Glenn, Struc­tural Engi­neer and Tai Chi Practitioner

A ses­sion with Laura Klein embod­ies the essence of the Alexan­der Tech­nique. In Laura’s pres­ence you feel relaxed and reju­ve­nated, your body inte­grated with your mind and spirit. How we hold our body is con­nected with how we hold ten­sion or relax­ation in our mind, which affects… our out­look on life. Do we react with stress, or do we inter­act with seren­ity? The aware­ness of how we move our body will impact how we move through life. After spend­ing time with Laura, I can fully expe­ri­ence the chal­lenge of life with clarity,courage, and com­pas­sion.“
– Joan Hu, UCSF employee

No mat­ter what was going in my life, I always felt bet­ter after lessons (with Laura). Besides pro­vid­ing relief from my dis­com­forts, my lessons have made me a firm believer in the Alexan­der Tech­nique, some­thing which I’m sure will stay with me for the rest of my life.“
– Gabriel Wong, grad­u­ate stu­dent, con­duc­tor, singer

The process of learn­ing the Alexan­der Tech­nique is a jour­ney of self-discovery. As a teacher, I work together with my stu­dents in how to apply the Alexan­der Tech­nique in every­day life, enabling them to solve their prob­lems.
To set up an appoint­ment or for more infor­ma­tion, please email me or call (510) 845‑6619.

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