How It Works

The great thing in all edu­ca­tion is to make our ner­vous sys­tem our ally instead of our enemy.” William James

Dur­ing a les­son you are guided through mov­ing in a freer, more expan­sive way.

In your lessons, you expe­ri­ence sit­ting, stand­ing and mov­ing in an eas­ier and lighter way. You learn how to let go of habit­ual ten­sion. A les­son may include apply­ing the Alexan­der Tech­nique to activ­i­ties such as using a com­puter, play­ing an instru­ment, or voice work. Part of the les­son is done while you lie on a table (fully clothed), to enable you to release ten­sion with­out hav­ing to sup­port yourself.


The Alexan­der Tech­nique involves hands-on guid­ance from the teacher.

After a les­son, you feel freer and lighter. You use the insights gained dur­ing lessons to improve how you per­form your ordi­nary activ­i­ties. Your new con­scious­ness enables you to shed old habits of mis­use and tension.

To set up an appoint­ment or for more infor­ma­tion, please email me or call (510) 845‑6619.

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